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MG: against; contra-; anti-; counter- MG: Christianity; Christian religion MG: person; human being; homo; human being; individual; someone; somebody; mortal; soul

Semantic relations:

English: Antichrist
(Christianity), the adversary of Christ (or Christianity) mentioned in the New Testament, the Antichrist will rule the world until overthrown by the Second Coming of Christ
Français: Antéchrist
Româneşte: Antichrist
ไทย: ซาตาน
Bahasa Indonesia: Antichrist, Anti Kristus, Antikristus
Slovenščina: antikrist

WordNet: 1

中文: 反基督fǎn Jī dū
日本語: 反キリストはんキリスト
Српски: Антихрист
Nederlands: antichrist
Suomi: Antikristus
Interlingua: Antichristo
Português: Anticristo
Italiano: anticristo
Hrvatski: Antikrist
Bahasa Melayu: Antichrist, Anti-Al-Masih
ქართული: ანტიქრისტე
Latine: antichristus
(not your lang?)->
(your name/email):

=MG: three{MG: week; calendar week; hebdomadMG: day; twenty-four hours; solar day; twenty-four hour period; 24-hour interval; mean solar day}=Wednesday; Wed